Surplus Equipment, Furniture And Related

  • Surplus and Asset Redistribution

    When a department no longer needs a usable asset, that asset is stored for redistribution to other interested departments in the District. Assets are stored at the Central Stores, which is managed by the Business Office. Items available for redistribution will be posted on our Website.

    Disposal of Assets

    When the District no longer needs an asset, the Purchasing Department will dispose of the asset in compliance with 18A regulations, via resolution. Specifications are developed and the asset sold at a public sale to the highest acceptable bidder, pursuant to title 18A. Revenues generated by the sale of the surplus assets are deposited to a general fund and is not reallocated to individual departments. The trade in value is deducted from the purchase price charged to a department's account. Download the Fixed Asset Disposal Form or Equipment for Disposal Form

    Used Furniture

    Surplus furniture in storage is immediately available for redistribution within the District. You can visit the Central Stores to inspect this furniture. To schedule a visit, please contact Christopher Dingle, Manager of Central Stores, at 862-377-5293 or

    Posting Surplus Equipment

    In some cases, the surplus equipment will be transferred directly from location to location, therefore saving transportation and space resources. The only method of moving equipment from place to place is by contacting Central Stores. Central Stores will keep track of all transferred surplus equipment.

Used Textbook Transfer Requests

  • If a school has a surplus of textbooks, they should download the Textbook Sharing Form. This is the only form utilized to transfer textbooks to the Central Stores locations. Once all the textbooks are inventoried and the form completed, the school shall contact Central Stores for pick-up. Central Stores then verifies the "Textbook Sharing Form" and delivers the textbooks to the warehouse. All the textbooks picked up from all locations are compiled and posted online for redistribution within the District.  After two weeks, the list is entered into the State’s Textbook Sharing database for 120 days. After this period, the textbooks can be sold via public sale pursuant to 18A.


    Before requesting any transfer, schools must document all the items being transferred using the "Textbook Sharing Form". This form can be downloaded below. The "Textbook Sharing Form" must be filled out completely and signed by the Principal. No boxes will be picked up without this form being properly filled. All boxes should be packed so one person can lift the box. No oversize boxes will be accepted. Once all the items are properly packed and documented, Central Stores will verify and  pick up the items for proper disposal.

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