Department Overview
The Department of Early Childhood Education welcomes you to our preschool community!
The foundation of this Department lies with practices that are aligned to our District’s Strategic Plan: “Bright Futures”, the “NJ Teaching and Learning Standards for Preschool” and “The Creative Curriculum for Preschool”. Our efforts are based on high expectations for the preschool population in preparation for academic success in future grades.
Our children benefit when families, schools, and communities invest in the preschool program. The Department of Early Childhood Education works in collaboration with Community Preschool Providers as well as In-district Public Schools. The Department of Early Childhood will work with all stakeholders to ensure that our preschool program meets the diverse needs of our children as well as provides a high quality preschool experience.
In order for children to have a meaningful experience in preschool, they must attend school every day. As we work together to provide the best preschool experience for our children, please ensure that your child is on time, present and prepared for school every day.
Parent and Community Involvement
The Department of Early Childhood’s objective is to empower families by providing experiences and activities which support and enhance the parental role as the principal influence on their child’s education. Staffing for the program includes: family workers, school social workers, and a supervisor of parent and community involvement.
The Department of Early Childhood recognizes the importance of partnerships with families. There are family workers assigned to each family to provide support and meet their needs. The family worker assists parents in accessing local resources ranging from health care, medical insurance, social service agencies, legal services, housing, and mental health services.
The family workers are key in developing programs and activities that increase parental involvement. Interventions include but are not limited to providing educational workshops and opportunities for parents to volunteer or assume other participatory roles within the child care center.
Contact Us
Nancy Aguado-Holtje
Director of Early Childhood Education
FAX 973-321-0455
Lillian Lopez
Supervisor of Early Childhood Programs, Master Teachers
Rashanda Clark
Supervisor of Early Childhood Programs
FAX 973-321-2254
Patricia Marin
Supervisor of Early Childhood Programs
FAX 973-321-2254
Stephanie Wright
Supervisor of Early Childhood Programs
FAX 973-321-2254
Gisela Cuello
Early Childhood Coordinator of Operations
FAX 973-321-2254
Juan Ferres
Preschool Enrollment Specialist
Shirlane Smith
Preschool Enrollment Assistant
973-321-1000 ext. 23133
Debra Drobenak
Coordinator of Early Childhood Programs
FAX 973-321-2254
Cory Fronte
Data Management Specialist
FAX 973-321-0455
Nicholas Flattery
Special Funding Program Advisor
FAX 973-321-0455