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Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
Maintaining Health and Safety
For each mitigation strategy listed below (A–H), please describe how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policies, on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
A. Universal and correct wearing of masks
All staff and students have the option of wearing a mask while they are in schools, district buildings, and school buses. Visitors are encouraged (but not required) to wear masks. The district may need to mandate masks to be worn if local conditions change during the year. Anyone who would like a mask can get one from the school’s security guards or principal.B. Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding)
The District will continue to follow guidance with regards to physical distancing from the NJDOH. As of now, it is encouraged that students keep right in the hallways and stairwells.
C. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
- Handwashing: Frequent hand washing, and respiratory protocols will continue to be encouraged as the District moves forward into the 2022-2023 school year. Staff and students will be advised to continue to do the following:
- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap is not available, hand sanitizer should be used that contains 60 percent alcohol.
- Cover coughs and sneezes if not wearing a mask.
- Maintain adequate supplies in classroom/hallways, including hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, and no-touch trash cans.
- Hand washing or sanitizing should take place during the following times:
- Upon entering the school building.
- Before and after eating (includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks).
- Before entering the bathroom and after going to the bathroom.
- Before leaving the school building for the day.
- After blowing nose, sneezing, coughing, or touching unclean items.
- When hands are dirty or soiled from touching surfaces.
- District staff should observe young children when hand washing takes place and throw away all used tissues and paper towels.
- Respiratory etiquette: All bathrooms and classrooms are stocked with paper towels and tissue to covering coughs and sneezes with an elbow or using a tissue or paper towel, placing it in the trash, followed by immediate handwashing or hand sanitizing.
D. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation
- The District will provide regular in-service training of Facilities Department staff and the contracted custodial vendors that will include topics on infection control (use of PPE), District regulations to reduce the spread of COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19, general hygiene, safe work practices, and the use of products to disinfect and sanitize school buildings.
- High-traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected regularly, using only EPA-approved disinfectants.
- A procedure has been established and implemented for disinfecting contaminated areas in the event of on-site COVID-19 exposure.
- Vollara Air and Surface Pro air purifiers have been placed in every occupied space. The units are equipped with ActivePure ionic technology that provides continuous surface decontamination and air purification in real-time, using superoxide molecules and hydro-peroxides that destroy contaminants on surfaces and in the air. The ActivePure Technology has been proven to eliminate over 99.9 percent of many common airborne and surface contaminants including viruses like the SAR-CoV-2 coronavirus, swine flu and bacteria, mold, fungi, volatile organic compounds (VOC), smoke, allergens, and odors.
- The Maintenance Department will continue servicing HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) systems based on manufacturers’ specifications for preventive and routine maintenance. Air filters will be monitored and replaced if required, even ahead of the normal replacement interval. Wherever possible, fresh air circulation will be increased in all occupied spaces by opening windows. The CDC recommends that even a slightly opened window can introduce beneficial outdoor air in rooms. A districtwide standard has been established to have at least two windows open when classrooms and offices are occupied and where it does not create an imminent health/safety hazard.
E. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departmentsContact Tracing: Paterson Public Schools has its own personnel to perform contact tracing for the District’s schools. Contact tracing is a strategy used to determine the source of an infection and how it is spreading. Finding people who are close contacts of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, and are therefore at higher risk of becoming infected themselves, to help prevent further spread of the virus.
School nurses will identify school-based close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases in the school. As with other communicable disease outbreaks, schools will assist in identifying the close contacts within the school and communicate this information to the Supervisor of Nursing who will notify the City of Paterson’s Department of Health and Human Services. Schools are responsible for notifying parents and staff of the close contact exposure and exclusion requirements while maintaining confidentiality. The Paterson Health and Human Services Department’s contact tracing team will notify and interview the close contacts identified by the school and reinforce the exclusion requirements.
Lastly, weekly summative COVID positive data is shared with the President of the Board of Education, President of the Union and Principals.
F. Diagnostic and screening testing
On-site diagnostic testing will be available to staff and students who are exhibiting symptoms or who were exposed to someone with COVID-19. Testing will be performed by a contracted provider, at locations designated by the District. Test results will be made available to patients and District representatives online within 24 to 48 hours. Testing now requires health insurance. If you do not have health insurance, you can get tested at the Paterson Division of Health.
Although screening testing is not being implemented at this time, the District will implement a screening testing strategy if warranted by local pandemic conditions.G. Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible
Everyone six months or older is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine in New Jersey and is encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and highly effective at preventing you from getting sick. Most K-12 schools will have a mixed population of fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated individuals at any given time. This is why the District has provided several layers of protection against the COVID-19 virus. To determine the vaccination status of students and staff, the District will administer periodic surveys in addition to collecting vaccination records as may be required by law. If the District is unable to determine the vaccination status of an individual student or staff member, that individual will be considered not fully vaccinated.
Paterson Public Schools will promote its partnerships to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to staff and students, including its partnerships with St. Joseph’s Medical Center, the N.J. Department of Health and the Paterson Division of Health.
H. Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies
Although masks are optional, certain students with disabilities or severe respiratory impairments who wish to wear a mask are provided with full face shields as an alternative. Other accommodations with respect to health and safety policies will be granted as required under applicable federal and State laws and regulations concerning non-discrimination and disability rights.
- Handwashing: Frequent hand washing, and respiratory protocols will continue to be encouraged as the District moves forward into the 2022-2023 school year. Staff and students will be advised to continue to do the following:
Ensuring Continuity of Services
A. Describe how the LEA will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address students’ academic needs and students’ and staff’s social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services. (1000 character limit)
All Paterson Public Schools will have the support of a full-time mental health clinician on staff through Full Service Community Schools and the School Based Health Solutions Grant. School Based Health Solutions provides each school with at least one Transitional Coach who will provide individual, group and family counseling, as well as professional development for staff. Teachers will increase their capacity to attend to their own, and students social and emotional needs with the support of Mindful Schools. Additionally, Paterson Public Schools will continue its social justice and equity work by expanding professional development beyond the core equity team to include building administrators and teachers, as well as a youth advocacy component for students.
Public Comment
A. Describe how the LEA sought public comment on its plan, and how it took those public comment into account in the development of its plan. Note, the ARP requires that LEAs seek public comment for each 60-day revision to the plan. (1000 character limit)
At the inception of this plan, the district developed a comprehensive reopening plan titled Keeping the Promise- Restart plan in collaboration with parents, Board of Education commissioners, teachers, administrators, community leaders and clergy via the District’s Restart Task Force Committees. In anticipation for reopening in September 2020, the district hosted three (3) Restart meetings on July 30th, August 3rd, and August 4th for the community at large. Additionally, the Superintendent and her leadership held meetings from July 22nd through August 3rd with Administrators/Principals, Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Personal Assistants, and students. In September, after the district did not open for in-person instruction, revision continued to the Keeping the Promise Restart Plan and updates were made as CDC and State guidance were adjusted. In January 2021, the COVID-19 Reopening Advisory Board, comprised of district leaders, Union leadership and parents was convened. The purpose of the advisory board was to vet and review Paterson Public School’s plan to reopen which included all safety precautions, attendance, facilities, schedules, and all guidelines as outlined by NJDOE and the CDC. The COVID-19 Reopening Advisory Board reviewed, provided feedback and recommendations allowing for modifications to the plan on January 10th, February 20th and February 24th.
In anticipation for the reopening of schools in September 2022, information was shared with all stakeholders via written letters and Welcome Back Flyers to parents, staff and families. Additionally, reopening information was shared to all district leadership at the Superintendent’s Administrators’ Institute. Lastly, information regarding this plan and the reopening plan titled The Road Forward are accessible on the district website.
B. Describe how the LEA ensured that the plan is in an understandable and uniform format; is to the extent practicable written in a language that parents can understand or, if not practicable, to provide written translations to a parent with limited English proficiency, will be orally translated for such a parent; and upon request by a parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA, will be provided in an alternative format accessible to that parent. (1000 character limit)
The Paterson Public Schools comprehensive restart plan titled The Road Forward is available to the school community and other stakeholders via a booklet format and on the district website. The updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plan will be sent to the district translation service for translation in Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Bengali.
Welcome Back
Students who are sick should not attend school.
Your child should stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms:
- fever or chills
- cough
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- fatigue
- muscle or body aches
- headache
- new loss of taste or smell
- sore throat
- congestion or runny nose
- nausea or vomiting
- diarrhea
Parents should inform the principal if their child tests positive for COVID-19.
The District will maintain partnerships with St. Joseph’s Health and the Paterson Division of Health to make COVID-19 vaccinations available to eligible students and staff. For information about how you can receive a COVID-19 vaccination, please visit homepage of the District’s website ( The District will provide transportation for families who want their children to be vaccinated. Please visit the District’s website for details.
Hallways & Stairwells
Everyone should KEEP RIGHT in hallways and stairwells.
All staff and students have the option of wearing a mask while they are in schools, district buildings, and on school buses. Visitors are encouraged (but not required) to wear masks. The district may need to mandate masks to be worn if local conditions change during the year. Anyone who would like a mask can get one from the school’s security guards or principal.
Everyone should wash or sanitize their hands frequently. Especially:
- when you enter a school building
- before you enter a restroom
- before you leave a restroom
- before you enter the cafeteria
- before you re-enter a school building after recess
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 testing will be available to students and staff who are exhibiting symptoms or who were exposed to someone with COVID-19. Testing will be performed by a contracted provider twice a week at locations designated by the District. Test results will be made available online within 24 to 48 hours. Students must be covered by insurance. Those without insurance can be tested at the Paterson Division of Health, 176 Broadway.
Students will be able to store books and personal belongings in lockers, although access to lockers may be regulated in order to help maintain safe environments in schools.
Dressing For Physical Education
Students WILL be able to access locker rooms to change clothes for physical education classes.
Students should wear their school uniform when they return to school on September 7th.
Remote Instruction
If the District closes school buildings for more than three consecutive days due to an emergency, days of remote instruction will count towards the District’s 180-day requirement. If a school needs to exclude a student, group of students, a class, or multiple classes due to an emergency, while the school itself remains open for in-person instruction, the District will offer remote instruction to those students in a manner commensurate with in-person instruction to the extent possible. Days of remote instruction will count towards the District’s 180-day requirement when approved by the Passaic County Superintendent of Schools.
Academic Expectations
All instructional staff must set up a Google Classroom prior to the first day of school for students. On the first day of school, teachers will share the link with the students as well as walk them through how to join the Google Classroom. Classwork/homework assignments are to be posted in the Google Classroom on a daily basis. Students should complete assignments using digital databases if possible or upload documents into Google Classroom. Instructional staff will set up the guardian email summary report in Google Classroom, which will be sent to parents informing them of their child's missing assignments, upcoming work, and other class information.
School Notification Of A Positive COVID-19 Case In School
The following is a sample of the letter that schools will send to parents in the event there is a positive COVID-19 case in school.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
This letter is to inform you that an individual at [school] has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The District is coordinating closely with public health officials and following CDC, state, and local health department guidance in order to assure the health and safety of our community.
Cleaning and disinfecting of all exposed areas has been completed. The school is also taking precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs and is cleaning frequently touched surfaces daily. [Insert details on any scheduling changes, if applicable.] The status of this situation is fluid, and we are monitoring it closely.
We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19. We encourage parents and students to continue the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention promoted safeguards, such as:
- Staying at home when you are sick
- Washing hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds
- Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues
- Limiting close contact with people who are sick and not sharing food, drink, and utensils
- Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms
As always, we appreciate your support and cooperation. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern. Should you have any questions about this situation, please feel free to contact [principal or school nurse] at [phone and email information]. Below are some resources that might be helpful.
a. NJDOH COVID-19 webpage:
b. CDC COVID-19 webpage:
c. Symptoms of COVID-19:
d. Testing:
e. How To Protect Yourself:
f. What To Do If You Are Sick:
[Principal’s name]
Layers Of Protection
Here’s how the District is keeping people safe in school buildings:
Self-Health Assessments All students and staff will be required to complete a certification form at the beginning of the school year. Visitors must complete a health screening questionnaire upon arrival at any District facility.
Thermal Temperature Scanners All District buildings are equipped with thermal temperature scanners at entrances for temperature checks of all people who enter.
Ventilation At least two windows will be opened slightly to allow rooms to be ventilated.
Ionic Air Purifiers, Air Scrubbers, & Air Blasters These devices destroy contaminants on surfaces and in the air.
Hand Hygiene Staff and students should frequently wash hands with soap and water in restrooms and use the 60% percent alcohol hand sanitizer that will be provided to all classrooms.
Disinfectant An EPA-approved disinfectant spray will be provided to all classrooms.
Vaccinations The District will maintain partnerships with St. Joseph’s Health and the Paterson Division of Health to make COVID-19 vaccinations available to eligible students and staff.
Everyone 6 months or older is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine and is encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and highly effective at preventing you from getting sick. They are one of the most important tools to ending the COVID-19 pandemic and getting back to what you love.
Updated COVID Guidance – September 8, 2022
General Information
- District quarantine/isolation requirements have been revised based on updated NJDOH Guidance (August 29, 2022), and input from public health professionals.
- Unvaccinated staff are not required to undergo COVID-19 screening testing. See NJ Executive Order Lifting Routine COVID-19 Testing Requirements for School Districts, Child Care Settings, and State Contractor Screening Testing Guidance (August 15, 2022).
- The district has transitioned, as guided by NJ Health and the CDC, into a routine disease control model for COVID-19 that more closely aligns NJDOH’s COVID-19 mitigation efforts with public health response strategies used for other infectious diseases in schools and Early Childhood Education centers..
- This model continues to identify individual cases and close contacts.
- In lieu of individual contact tracing, schools will provide classroom notifications when exposures occur. These notifications may include but are not limited to at least 1 or more of the following phone, robocall, email, or letter to families, students, teachers, caregivers, and staff about potential exposure and the actions they should take to remain safe and reduce transmission.
- Prompt notifications are provided to allow individuals and families to take additional precautions according to their individual and family needs. Prompt notification regarding exposure to infectious diseases, including COVID-19, provides opportunity for id testing, early treatment, and prevention of further spread.
Stay Home When Sick
Staff, students, and their families are required to stay home when sick and follow up with their healthcare provider. They are to return to school/work with no signs of sickness and are fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours
- Staff members are to report absences due to sickness to their principals. If absent 3 or more days a medical clearance is required to return to work.
- Parents are to report student absences due to sickness and their symptoms to the school nurse. If absent 2 or more days a doctor’s note/medical clearance is required to return to school.
- The NJ Health School Exclusion Table will be strictly enforced for students and staff.
Monitor for signs and symptoms of sickness everyday
- Parents/caregivers are to monitor their children for signs and symptoms of sickness every day and keep them home if they develop.
- Staff members are to monitor themselves for signs and symptoms of sickness every day and to remain home if they develop.
COVID-19 Scenarios - Applies for both Vaccinated/Unvaccinated individuals
I tested positive and am experiencing symptoms
- Isolate for 5 full days
- Return to work on Day 6 if you have no symptoms and are fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours
- Well fitted mask must be worn Day 6-10
- If they cannot wear a well fitted mask they must isolate and return to work/school on Day 11
I tested positive and experiencing No symptoms
- Isolate for 5 full days
- Return to work on Day 6 if you have no symptoms
- Required to wear a well fitted mask on Day 6-10
- If they cannot wear a well fitted mask they must isolate and return to work/school on Day 11
I am showing symptoms of COVID, what do I do?
- Do not go to work/school
- You must isolate yourself
- Get a COVID test and await results
- If negative then you may return once all symptoms have ceased and are fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours
- Required to wear a well fitted mask for Day 1-10
Someone in your household tests positive for COVID
- They may come to work/school as long as they do not display symptoms
- Not required to quarantine unless they display symptoms
- Required to wear a well fitted mask for Day 1-10
- If they cannot wear a well fitted mask they must isolate and return to work/school on Day 11
I have been identified as a close contact and have no symptoms
- Not required to quarantine
- Required to wear a well fitted mask for Day 1-10
- No testing is required if not experiencing symptoms
I have been identified as a close contact and have developed symptoms
- You must test and isolate immediately upon developing symptoms
- Isolate for 5 days if tested positive:
- You may return on Day 6 if you are symptom free and fand fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours
- Required to wear a well fitted mask on Day 6-10
- If they cannot wear a well fitted mask they must isolate and return to work/school on Day 11
- If negative, you may return to work/ school once you are symptom free and are fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours
- Required to wear a well fitted mask for Day 1-10
- Quarantine is not required for domestic or international travel
- All must wear a well-fitted mask on Days 1-5 upon return from travel
- If a person is unable to wear a well fitted mask from
- Day 1-5 then they are to quarantine and return to work/school on Day 6
- Self-monitor for COVID symptoms, isolate, and get tested if you develop any symptoms.